
Covering Letters

Read the text and answer the questions. Mark if the sentences are True or False.

(Source: http://www.myworldofwork.co.uk/content/5-things-you-should-never-include-in-a-cover-letter)
1. Bad spelling and punctuation – There’s no room for bad spelling or bad punctuation in your cover letter. Keep sentences short to avoid confused punctuation.
2. Outrageous lies – If you lie, you could miss out on a job.
3. Negativity and sarcasm – Don’t criticise former employers and not the company you’re applying to. Adopt a positive attitude about yourself, your previous experience and the job you are applying for.
4. Inappropriate personal details – You don't need to state your age, religion, sexual preference or political affiliations on a cover letter or CV.
5. Confused language and unnecessary waffle – Keep things clear with short sentences that tell the reader what they need to know and nothing more.