Matching Exercise
Match each sentence with one of its endings.
(Source: Vince, M. (1996). First Certificate Language Practice with key. Oxford, p.190.)
In a different job I could get a higher..
..references from your previous employer.
..appointment of a new sales representative.
..dismissing him was the only possible action we could take.
..promotion to a more responsible position.
..full-time employment at the moment.
..prospects for the future.
..salary and better working conditions.
He was always drunk at work so..
..references from your previous employer.
..appointment of a new sales representative.
..dismissing him was the only possible action we could take.
..promotion to a more responsible position.
..full-time employment at the moment.
..prospects for the future.
..salary and better working conditions.
We cannot give you the job without..
..references from your previous employer.
..appointment of a new sales representative.
..dismissing him was the only possible action we could take.
..promotion to a more responsible position.
..full-time employment at the moment.
..prospects for the future.
..salary and better working conditions.
Today we are going to discuss the..
..references from your previous employer.
..appointment of a new sales representative.
..dismissing him was the only possible action we could take.
..promotion to a more responsible position.
..full-time employment at the moment.
..prospects for the future.
..salary and better working conditions.
In this job there aren’t good..
..references from your previous employer.
..appointment of a new sales representative.
..dismissing him was the only possible action we could take.
..promotion to a more responsible position.
..full-time employment at the moment.
..prospects for the future.
..salary and better working conditions.
If you work hard, the company will give you a…
..references from your previous employer.
..appointment of a new sales representative.
..dismissing him was the only possible action we could take.
..promotion to a more responsible position.
..full-time employment at the moment.
..prospects for the future.
..salary and better working conditions.
He has a young child so he doesn’t want a..
..references from your previous employer.
..appointment of a new sales representative.
..dismissing him was the only possible action we could take.
..promotion to a more responsible position.
..full-time employment at the moment.
..prospects for the future.
..salary and better working conditions.